Wednesday, May 9, 2007

Flat World Project Reflection

1. What did you like best about the project and why?

My favorite part about this project was looking at the profiles (the about me section) of students from other schools because It was fun to see what we had in common. It was very interesting learning about other kids from around the world.

2. What did you like least and why?
I didn't really like having to edit peoples papers because i would have to keep scrolling back up to answer the questions for editing. I also don't like reading boring stories and some of them were a little boring. It's just me, andI know editing is required for this project to happen though.

3. What was something surprising that you learned about the other students (from other schools)?
I learned that the Koreans write very good stories that are very elaborate and nice. The Colorado students write stories about things that I can relate too like stories based off recent movies, ect.

4. How do you think the project affected your writing?
The project affected my writing because each week there was a new theme for editing. These themes help my writing now because I think about sentance fluency and other themes now in my writing.

5. Describe the most challenging aspect of the project.
I think the most challenging part was doing everything on time. You had a larger responsibility than just doing regular homework because other people depend on your feedback. Its not only going to hurt you, it going to hurt the others. Making sure you posted everything on time was a little challenging.

6. Offer some advice to future participants.
1. Turn everything in on time.
2. Read the peers stories not only once, but twice or three times.
3. Make sure you are editing the right person page because it can get a little confusing.

7. Other comments.

Really fun to do, I liked learning about other people from around the world and the stories they tell. Great and interesting experience!

1 comment:

CB said...

Thanks for the feedback, and the patience :) We all tried this for the first time, so you're really helping us teachers (and future students) improve the next run.

You Hawaii students amaze me, really. Except for one fairly immature reflection, all of you feel like college students when I read you, as far as maturity and "voice" go.

And your writing skills blew my kids away.

Thanks again.

Mr. B.