Wednesday, May 2, 2007

A Midsummer's nights dream: Character Analysis

Helena is a very unique character in Shakespeare's A Midsummer's night's dream because she is caught up in a messy love situation. The man she likes and has made love to, Demetrius, ditches her and goes for an equally beautiful Hermia. However, Hermia likes Lysander and Demetrius knows this, but Hermia's dad wants Hermia to marry Demetrius or else die. Helena and Hermia have around the same appearance, however all the men like Hermia. Helena decides she is much uglier than Hermia because of this and this is why none of the men like her. She won't accecpt the fact that Demetrius chose Hermia over herself even though they are equal. She decides she is ugly and less attractive that Hermia as an excuse.
Helena tries very hard for Demetrius to love her, however the more she tries the more he hates her. This is because Helena is a bit clingy and that can get annoying. Hermia tries to get Demetrius not to like her however the more she ignores and hates him the more he loves her. This is a very messed up situation because both girls are pretty much equal however both men want Hermia. This is sad for Helena part because she is not wanted, which brings her self-confidence down. Overall, Helena is just as beautiful as Hermia, however her love Demetrius is in love with Hermia even after making a vow that they would stay together. Helena concludes that she is uglier than Hermia to make a reason why Demetrius doesnt like her.

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