Wednesday, February 14, 2007

Quotes from the Woman Warrior

"After the one carnival ride each, we paid in guilt; our tired father counted his change on the dark walk home."
This quote shows that the Chinese, even when they have fun, they feel guilt for spending resources. Maxine's family does not have much to start with, so any waste seems extravagant and frivilous. So when most of the little belongings they owned were destroyed by the raid, the aunt must of felt a HUGE sense of guilt, so guilty she killed herself.

"Once my aunt found a freckle on her chin, at a spot that the almanac said predestined her for unhappiness. She dug it out with a hot needle and washed the wound with peroxide".
This shows that Maxine, her family, and most Chinese try to make things good for the family. They have alot of superstitions and will do anything to not have the bad ones come true.

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