Sunday, February 25, 2007

My Hero : Mr. Tsujimoto

My Hero is Mr. Tsujimoto. He was my english teacher last year and the best teacher I have ever had. I'm not very good and english, It it my weakest subject. However, he made english fun, and made me want to learn it and like it. In the begining of the year everyday we would write a poem and during the day we would switch papers and grade other peoples. I really liked this way because you have to make your poem good because you never know who could be reading your paper, and alot of the poems we were assigned to write, were fun. When we read from our books, he made us stand up infront of the class and sometimes ever act out the scenes. English was a class I very much looked foward too because I learned and had fun.
He belived in me and knew that I was still a kid and should enjoy it. He let me laugh alot in class, eat in class, and have fun. I know this sounds like the classroom was out of control but it really wasn't. I think it was because alot of people feared him. Alot of people still do, but thats because they didn't get to know him. He is a bit scary when you first meet him, I'll admit I was scared too. I got to know him, and he turned out to be really nice. The class ran perfectly because he kept it in order while still making it fun. I still remember his signature line "HOW DO YOU LIKE DEM APPLES?!" The class would laugh everytime he said that. He made my least favorite subject ever become my favorite. Mr. Tusjimoto is definatly my Hero.


Jenn said...

Dani. Mr. Tsujimoto was an awesome inspiring person. I love the fact that he wrote a book. Poems were fun too. Remember his awesome grading system and the best was a C+ for "+" for a great and a C for Copy. And then you got to post your poems on the wall and everyone read it. Those were good times. And the reading material was good too. Mr. Tsujimoto is one of those teachers I guess people never forget. :)

Caitlin said...

Haha, love Mr. Tsuj. I remember those times, cause we were in the same english class. He really was a great teacher, probably the best english teacher I've had thus far.

LJK said...

I'm a sophmore, and I had Mr. Tsuj for 8th grade also. At first, I resented his condescending attitude, but then I got to really love him. He is so strict, and yet so funny! He rocks. He's a great teacher, and a very intelligent man, who's obviously inspired everyone who had him. I'm glad that Mr. Tsuj is your hero.