Wednesday, May 9, 2007

Flat World Project Reflection

1. What did you like best about the project and why?

My favorite part about this project was looking at the profiles (the about me section) of students from other schools because It was fun to see what we had in common. It was very interesting learning about other kids from around the world.

2. What did you like least and why?
I didn't really like having to edit peoples papers because i would have to keep scrolling back up to answer the questions for editing. I also don't like reading boring stories and some of them were a little boring. It's just me, andI know editing is required for this project to happen though.

3. What was something surprising that you learned about the other students (from other schools)?
I learned that the Koreans write very good stories that are very elaborate and nice. The Colorado students write stories about things that I can relate too like stories based off recent movies, ect.

4. How do you think the project affected your writing?
The project affected my writing because each week there was a new theme for editing. These themes help my writing now because I think about sentance fluency and other themes now in my writing.

5. Describe the most challenging aspect of the project.
I think the most challenging part was doing everything on time. You had a larger responsibility than just doing regular homework because other people depend on your feedback. Its not only going to hurt you, it going to hurt the others. Making sure you posted everything on time was a little challenging.

6. Offer some advice to future participants.
1. Turn everything in on time.
2. Read the peers stories not only once, but twice or three times.
3. Make sure you are editing the right person page because it can get a little confusing.

7. Other comments.

Really fun to do, I liked learning about other people from around the world and the stories they tell. Great and interesting experience!

Monday, May 7, 2007

Character Analysis for Act two

In Act Two Helena contines her obsession with Demetrius. She also contiunes to put herself down in order to find an excuse on why Demetrius likes Hermia over Helena. In this Act she calls herself as ugly as a bear and a beast. She still cant seem to get into her head that even though their looks are the same Demetrius chose Helena because Helena has the better personality. Also Demetrius is liking her less and less because she constantly follows him around. In this act he lost it and told her to stop chasing him and to leave him alone. However Helena want to spend time with him and continues to be super annoying to him.

Wednesday, May 2, 2007

A Midsummer's nights dream: Character Analysis

Helena is a very unique character in Shakespeare's A Midsummer's night's dream because she is caught up in a messy love situation. The man she likes and has made love to, Demetrius, ditches her and goes for an equally beautiful Hermia. However, Hermia likes Lysander and Demetrius knows this, but Hermia's dad wants Hermia to marry Demetrius or else die. Helena and Hermia have around the same appearance, however all the men like Hermia. Helena decides she is much uglier than Hermia because of this and this is why none of the men like her. She won't accecpt the fact that Demetrius chose Hermia over herself even though they are equal. She decides she is ugly and less attractive that Hermia as an excuse.
Helena tries very hard for Demetrius to love her, however the more she tries the more he hates her. This is because Helena is a bit clingy and that can get annoying. Hermia tries to get Demetrius not to like her however the more she ignores and hates him the more he loves her. This is a very messed up situation because both girls are pretty much equal however both men want Hermia. This is sad for Helena part because she is not wanted, which brings her self-confidence down. Overall, Helena is just as beautiful as Hermia, however her love Demetrius is in love with Hermia even after making a vow that they would stay together. Helena concludes that she is uglier than Hermia to make a reason why Demetrius doesnt like her.

Monday, April 23, 2007

My school hosted a sustainbility fair which had many interesting displays and booths all about sustainibility. My Favorite part about the sustainbility fair was the worm bucket. It was so intereting because when the volunteer lifted the first bucket you saw decomposing foods and alot of worms eating it. When she lifted the next bucket underneath there was some soil and some decomposed foods and a different type of worms eating it. IN the last layer there was just soil which was made from the composte pile earlier. It was so intersting how a composte pile can turn into perfectly good soil. AMAZING!

Friday, March 16, 2007

Shaman Lit. Circle: Moderator

1. Why is the chapter named Shaman?

2. What do the ghosts in the Gold Mountain represent?

3. Why are eaters heros, why can't it be just anyone?

4. How did the Crazy Lady become crazy?

5. Why is the crazy lady mentioned in this chaper?

6. Why do they tell stories at 111 degrees and not another temperature?

Thursday, March 15, 2007

Ghost Story

There is a tunnel under the old railroad tracks in Niagara Falls. It is known as the Screaming Tunnel. A path wanders through the tunnel and then up to an empty field on the hill. But the field was not always empty.
Once, a large farm house stood in the field at the top of the hill, and in it lived a happy family. Then one night, the house caught fire. A young daughter was trapped in the house, and the only way to escape was through a wall of flames. The brave young girl covered her face with her arms and ran into the fiery doorway. Her long hair and her long nightgown began to smolder as she burst through the flames and rushed out of the house.
When the night air struck her smoldering clothing, it burst into flames, enveloping the girl in a raging inferno. The girl screamed in agony and ran blindly down the hill, away from the fire-stricken house. She staggered into the tunnel under the train tracks, her screams echoing and re-echoing through the night. Overcome by the flames, the girl fell to the floor of the tunnel, wailing in agony. She rolled frantically on the floor of the tunnel, trying to douse the flames, but her efforts were weak and ineffective. She was quickly overcome, and burned to death in the tunnel under the tracks.
After that night, anyone that dares strike a match in the tunnel under the tracks will hear the agonized death screams of the burning girl, and a ghostly wind will instantly blow out the match

Monday, March 5, 2007

Literature Circles: Moderator

Here are some brain tickling questions on the chaper White Tigers in the book The Woman Warrior. They are good for discussion.

1. What is the significance of the rabbit when the two old people left her in the White Tigers mountain?

2. Why is the chapter named White Tigers?

3. What is the significance of talking about Communism?

4. What is the significance of Mulan seeing the young side of the old people and having that gift?

Sunday, February 25, 2007

Literature Circles: Lexicographer

For Chapter two in the Woman Warrior we are doing literature circles. I chose the role of Lexicpgrapher, which defines some words in the chapter that we might have trouble understanding. Here are the words I found. Oh yeah, I got my definitions from

Alighted: To stay after descending
page 19: She was combing her hair one morning when a white crane alighted outside her window.

Avenge: To take exact satsifaction
Page 23: "You can avenge your village", said the old woman.

Mallard: A type of wild duck
Page 29: --the line alongside the turtle's eyes and the mallards.

Strata:Layers of Tissue
Page 29: In quarries I could se its strata, the dragon's veins and muscles; the minerals, its teeth and bones.

Paradoxes: An assertion that is essentially self- contradictory
Page 29: I learned to make my mind large, so that there is room for paradoxes.

Conscription: A contribution of money to the government during a time of War.
Page 32: -- thanking the gods outloud for protecting them from conscription.

My Hero : Mr. Tsujimoto

My Hero is Mr. Tsujimoto. He was my english teacher last year and the best teacher I have ever had. I'm not very good and english, It it my weakest subject. However, he made english fun, and made me want to learn it and like it. In the begining of the year everyday we would write a poem and during the day we would switch papers and grade other peoples. I really liked this way because you have to make your poem good because you never know who could be reading your paper, and alot of the poems we were assigned to write, were fun. When we read from our books, he made us stand up infront of the class and sometimes ever act out the scenes. English was a class I very much looked foward too because I learned and had fun.
He belived in me and knew that I was still a kid and should enjoy it. He let me laugh alot in class, eat in class, and have fun. I know this sounds like the classroom was out of control but it really wasn't. I think it was because alot of people feared him. Alot of people still do, but thats because they didn't get to know him. He is a bit scary when you first meet him, I'll admit I was scared too. I got to know him, and he turned out to be really nice. The class ran perfectly because he kept it in order while still making it fun. I still remember his signature line "HOW DO YOU LIKE DEM APPLES?!" The class would laugh everytime he said that. He made my least favorite subject ever become my favorite. Mr. Tusjimoto is definatly my Hero.

The Family Story I am Using for my Wiki ( Rough Draft)

My Grandfather lived in a Small Town called Aquaka which is located on the Banks of the Misissippi River. He grew up there as a Farmer's son. In his mid-teens his father sold the farm and open up a general store in the Town. No one in the town has ever been to College. My Great-Grandfather decided to send my grandfather to college. He gathered all the money he had and it ended up being about 1,000 dollars (around 20,000 now). He even signed up for what classes my grandfather was going to take, because my grandfather would not do it. My Grandfather still refused to go, so my great-gradfather forced in the car drove him to college and literally threw him out into the college. First Semester was already paied for and he was suppose to use the 1000 for Second semester and food ect. However, my grandfather didn't listen and spent all his extra money and in no time he was broke. When Second semester rolled in my Grandfather realized that he really liked college. He worked from 9pm to 7am at a gasoline shop to pay his way through college. He would study and work (and probably sleep too).

Wednesday, February 21, 2007

No Name Woman, analyzing two more quotes

The quote "The emigrants confused the gods by diverting their curses, misleading them with crooked streets and false names". This shows that Maxines knows about her culture becasue they try to confuse the gods to get rid of their sins. She probably learned about this from stories her mother told her when she was a young child. She may of not been to China, but she has a basic understanding of it.

The quote "All the village were kinsmen, and the titles shouted in loud contry voices never letting kinship be forgotton." This shows that the everybody in the village were friends and treated eachother like family. However, this is ironic because they helped destroy the familys reputation. They slaughtered their "kinsmen" domestic suppy of animals. This shows no sign of being like family at all.

Methods of Characterization

Apperance: She was a short filipino woman in her mid 30s.

Inner-thoughts/Feelings: She wanted to go into the white restroom but knew that she wasn't completely white and might have a hard time in there. So she was feeling a sense of curiosity while going into the black restroom.

Enviroment: This happened in a public restroom in the city of Birmingham, which is located in Alabama.

What they Say: My aunt says that she was treated very kindly in the black restroom.

What others say about them: She is very curious and never does anything risky.

Another Family Story

This is another family story, however I am not sure I am going to use it. I didn't elaborate on it because I am still deciding which story to use. My aunt from the philippines lived in Birmingham Alabama during the white and black segregation. One day she wanted to go the the restroom and she had two choices. Either to go to the whites only bathroom or the blacks only bathroom. She decided she was more black than white and went in. The blacks treated her very nice, and were very friendly.

Wednesday, February 14, 2007

Quotes from the Woman Warrior

"After the one carnival ride each, we paid in guilt; our tired father counted his change on the dark walk home."
This quote shows that the Chinese, even when they have fun, they feel guilt for spending resources. Maxine's family does not have much to start with, so any waste seems extravagant and frivilous. So when most of the little belongings they owned were destroyed by the raid, the aunt must of felt a HUGE sense of guilt, so guilty she killed herself.

"Once my aunt found a freckle on her chin, at a spot that the almanac said predestined her for unhappiness. She dug it out with a hot needle and washed the wound with peroxide".
This shows that Maxine, her family, and most Chinese try to make things good for the family. They have alot of superstitions and will do anything to not have the bad ones come true.

Tuesday, February 13, 2007

About Me

Hello, My name is Danielle, but my nickname is Dani. I am 14 years old, almost 15 in 5 days. I go to Punahou School which is located in Hawaii. I have a sister, a mom, a dad, and a cat named Poky. I dance ballet, but I'm not too fond of it, and I don't think it's too fond of me either. I try to play guitar. My favorite bands are The Beatles, Led Zeppelin, and the Who. My favorite subject is geography, and I love learning about the world. When I grow up I want to travel. My favorite movie is a french movie called Les Choristes. The boy there in that movie is going to be my future husband. I love my friends and I have so much fun with them. Well ALOHA! A Hui Hou.

About Moodle

1. What did you like?
What I liked about moodle was that you can see what other people have posted. It gives you ideas and you can see what people are thinking. I also liked that it saves paper and I am a good typer, and not a good handwriter. It's way more convienent.

2. What didn't you like?
What I didn't like was that if you posted something, and someone was posting at the same time, chances are your work might not show. Then I would have to retype everything I wrote, because I didn't save it. It was a hassle and time consuming.

3. What would you change about Moodle?
I would change the layout. Moodle is an incredible website, but it needs a better layout. It seems too plain and uninviting. It needs color, and it needs to look more inviting.

4. What are some creative ways to use moodle?
Some creative ways to use moodle is that you can use it to edit eachothers work. This is great because you can get great feedback in a short period of time.

Thursday, February 8, 2007


1. The quote "To move freely was a luxury stolen from them at birth". It is found in part two of the poem, 3rd and 4th lines. This is in the part of the poem when Jade is describing the difficulties she has to face in China. She also had to have her feet binded, and she was hardly fed. This means they were basically slaves since they were born, just because they were born women.

2. We have traditions, our name, and our own culture that add to our identity. We take this for granted, it just comes naturally living in the United States. However, Jade, living in China had all those taken away. She really has no identity because she she was not born free. She has a name, Jade, but so does most of the first born daughters. Its not really that special because every girl is named Jade pretty much. Her traditions are the same as everyone else too, as a women in China, you do lot's of work. Jade doesn't have a real identity because she's a women in China. She tries to get her identity by moving to the U.S, but I guess it didnt work. She wants to go back to China where she had more of an identity but it was too late for turning back.